Mesages processors
The surveillance and the evidence of the energetic consumption using the computer
On the determination of real and complex roots of a polynomial using the computer
Mips work-station for mineralogic analysis
Objects types in Object-Oriented Programming
On the efficiency of Lobacevschi – Graeffe’s method for finding the polynomial zeros
Optimal algorithms
On an inequality
Q-optimal formulas of quadrature with weight function of the Leguerre type
Some spline approximation based on generalized Gauss-type quadrature formulas
Quelques generalizations des polynomes de Bernoulli
Sur les polynomes de Bernoulli
The principle of majorant in solving of nonlinear operatorial equations which depends on one parameter defined in Frechet spaces
Convergence properties of some approximation procedures
Observations sur l’approximation de fonctions bidimensionelles continues
Numerical method for a class of a singular initial
On the chord method
Une extension de la formule de Nystrom d’integration numerique
Numerical solution of differential equations of n-th order with deviating argument by spline functions
2 – continuous functions
A notion of almost everywhere primitive
The starlikness of a particular class of integral operators
Technique of the fixed point theorem
Une generalization du critere de D’Alembert pour les series a termes positife
Distinguished system of coset representatives and normal complement of a subgroup of finite group
On the category of n-grups