On dynamics of solid-fluid system
Topologies compatible with connectivity in networks
Asymptotic behavior of the nonoscillatory solution of the n-th order differential equation with delay depending on the unknown function
A space losing the normality with one
Determination of some parameters of the total solar eclipse of 11 august 1999 by inverse interpolation splines
First-order equilibria for an abstract economy
Zeros set for the solutions of the differential-functional equations
A contractive method for the proof of Picard’s theorem
Stabilization of biblinear systems by means of a priori bounded controls
The informational study of a statistical collectivity
The Fourier-Bohr series of a pseudo almost periodic measure
A Riccati type system attached to a boundary control problem for Laplace equation
Sasaki metric and the phase space
Some properties of m-families
On a continuous dependence result for a evolution equations in Hilbert spaces