
Ricardson extrapolation of finite element approximation in a rectangular domain

The Harper equation. Application to 2D electron gas in an omogen magnetic field

The Hall-conductivity for electrons on the square lattice

An application of the minimal coverability graph

On topological rings of endomorphisms

Hopf and homoclinic bifurcations in a biodynamical system

Two blind signature schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem

Polyhedral aspects and optimality of the generalized minimum spanning tree problem

Computer simulation of animal replacement in a diary farm and its economical effects

Regularity conditions for Bernstein-Rogosinski-type means of double Fourier series

On the differential equations with deviating argument in economics

Simultaneous approximation by discretized convolution-type operators

TgpTgp – sum of quasy-triangular fuzzy numbers

((S,s)),(Ai)ieI,A,B,r)((S,s)),(Ai)ieI,A,B,r) convexity at a point and ((S,s)),(Ai)ieI,A,B,r)((S,s)),(Ai)ieI,A,B,r) starlike sets

Proving geometric theorems via Groebner bases theory

On the structure of finite commutative rings

Some new results concerning iterative methods

The rentability of a leasing agrement

Random-filtered asynchronous iterative method

On confidentiality connected graphs

Probabilistic methods fro the construction of approximation linear positive operators

Semigroup theory and control theory polyvibrating systems