Vol 16/2000 no. 1
by carpa | Dec 17, 2017
Cuprins: Ricardson extrapolation of finite element approximation in a rectangular domain The Harper equation. Application to 2D electron gas in an omogen magnetic field The Hall-conductivity for electrons on the square lattice An application of the minimal...Search…
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Abbas, Mujahid
Acu, Dumitru
Balaj, Mircea
Berinde, Mădălina
Berinde, Vasile
Bărbosu, Dan
Chidume, C. E.
Cho, Yeol Je
Choban, Mitrofan M.
Coroian, Iulian
Cosma, Ovidiu
Cristescu, Gabriela
Diudea, Mircea V.
Fukhar-ud-din, Hafiz
Gaidici, A.
Horvat-Marc, Andrei
Ioanoviciu, Aurel
Khan, Abdul Rahim
Kozma, Lidia Elena
Kumam, Poom
Lungu, Nicolaie
Marin, Marin
Megan, Mihail
Mortici, Cristinel
Mureșan, Anton S.
Mureșan, Viorica
Pişcoran, Laurian-Ioan
Pop, Adina
Pop, Maria Sânziana
Pop, Nicolae
Pop, Ovidiu T.
Pop, Petrică Claudiu
Pop, Vasile
Popa, Dorian
Popa, Valeriu
Pop Sitar, Corina
Păcurar, Mădălina
Păvăloiu, Ion
Rus, Ioan A.
Rusu, Cristian
Sass, Istvan Huba Attila
Suantai, Suthep
Tașcu, Ioana
Yao, Jen-Chih
Zelina, Ioana
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