CONTENTS Vol. 32, No. 3, 2016 VASILE BERINDE and MĂDĂLINA PĂCURAR A glance into the beauty of Fixed Point Theory: Professor Emeritus Ioan A. Rus on his 80th anniversary pp. i – viii M. R. ALFURAIDAN...
CONTENTS Vol. 32, No. 2, 2016 OCTAVIAN AGRATINI and VIJAY GUPTA On the uniform convergence of a q-series pp. 141 – 146 ISHAK ALTUN and GÜLHAN MINAK An extension of Assad-Kirk’s fixed point theorem for multivalued nonself...
CONTENTS Vol. 32, No. 1, 2016 MUJAHID ABBAS, MONTHER RASHED and TALAT NAZIR Common fixed points of multivalued F- contractions on metric spaces with a directed graph pp. 1 – 12 DAVID ARIZA-RUIZ, CARLOS HERNÁNDEZ LINARES,...